Monday, August 20, 2012

One Night Stand Releases Today!


I am dubbing today Martin Monday! Caleb, Brandon, Alec and Amanda have been driving me nuts waiting to meet all of you and now that the day is here, we are all prepared to toast. And with this family, you can bet there will be plenty of beer, whiskey and f-bomb's to go around. (Yes, I'm talking about you, Caleb.)

Needless to say, I'm excited! Not only is One Night Stand available today, my blog tour kickes off with my first stop at CS Maxwell ~ Where's My Muse?

Come join me and be sure to sign up for e-mail alerts on my blog to keep up with my tour stops! It's going to be crazy fun. 

I'll be posting links throughout the day as One Night Stand becomes available on online resellers. Stay tuned people - and share the wealth.

Now go forth and buy, buy, buy! 

Happy Reading!
~ Parker